Welcome to St. Francis of Assisi, the parish church in Littlemoor.


St. Francis of Assisi,
Merredin Close,
Dorset DT3 6SJ

Located by the red arrow in the map of the parish below :-

Parish Map

10:30 am our main Sunday services:
(may change near major festivals or school holidays)
These services are normally video recorded and you can view these recordings here

1st Sunday each month – All-age Brunch Holy Communion (everyone in together),
2nd Sundays – Morning Worship with Children’s ministry.
3rd Sundays – Holy Communion,
4th Sundays – Morning Worship with Children’s ministry.
5th Sundays – Morning Worship.

6:30pm Celtic Evening Prayer
(4th Sunday of the month)

Knit & Natter – every Tuesday 10:00 until Noon.
All ages and abilities welcome.  Refreshments available.
Come to knit, crochet, bring along another craft or
you are welcome to come and just join in the conversation.

Little Lambs (parent & toddler group),
Thursdays 09:30 to 11:30 (School Term Time only)

Premises Hire – If you would like to book any of the church
rooms at St. Francis for an event, please contact
Mrs Anne Field at anne_field@talk21.com
telephone 01305 832532

Finance Enquires – please contact our Treasurer
Graham Field at stf_treasurer@yahoo.com
or telephone 07485 992904

Any other enquires – please contact our general email address
at littlemoorchurch@btopenworld.com
or telephone 01305 815366