Regular Events & Clubs

at St. Andrew’s, Preston

These generally take part in the Church Rooms, opposite the Church.

Craft Group – Mondays 19:30 to 21:00
The Group was established about 30 years ago
and runs each Monday evening during School Term time.
The group is open to everyone, not just Church Members,
but space and numbers are limited.
Most weeks activities are organized and provided for members
and cost per session is £3-00
Anyone interested in coming along should contact
Carole Anders for availability and more information on
01305 833431 or

Knit and Natter – 1st Tuesday each month 10:00 to 12:00
This is an informal gathering for anyone who wishes to come
along with their own knitting/Craft project to meet like-minded
people for a chat. You can come along without knitting
and just enjoy a chat, cuppa and cake.
Everyone is welcome!
Cost is £1.00 towards refreshments.
For more information contact Carole Anders on 01305 833431
07901 282128 or

Angels Club – 2nd Monday each month 12:30 to 14:00
We have around 40 volunteers.
Our main duties are befriending, transport to appointments
and shopping and running small errands.
Last year we did 960 such trips covering 9500 miles.
The emphasis is on neighbourly kindness.
We also run an Angels Lunch Club which is held on the
2nd Monday of every month.
For a donation of £7 you get sherry or fruit juice on arrival,
a 2 course meal followed by tea and coffee.
A quiz and raffle follow the lunch.
Everyone is welcome. We can provide transport needed.
Please telephone 01305 834866 to make a reservation.

Preston Village Market
10th Feb, 13th April, 8th June, 3rd August, 5th Oct, 7th Dec – 10:00 to 12:30
We have a variety of regular Crafts people who attend.
This event is open to the public to purchase locally made items.
Refreshments are also available.
We are always pleased to welcome new stalls.
If you would like to hire your own table, cost is £10.00
per event attended. Set up is from 8am
For more information, contact Carole Anders on
01305 833431/07901 282128 or

Churchyard Team – Wednesday (March to October) from 18:00
Our Churchyard takes a lot to keep it looking good.
We meet weekly between the clock changes in March,
through to October and we are always looking for more
volunteers to help out with grass cutting, strimming
and general tidying of graves and surrounding areas.
All are welcome. If you are in interested in joining us,
please contact Theresa Clayton on 01305 833739